To start ordering any product via the Portal, all you have to do is enter an address!

  1. Navigate to the home page at
  2. Enter the property address.

  3. You will be directed to a property information page that displays a street-view image and some property details. Beside the property information, you will see all available products for that property.

    1. If you are ordering a ClearProp or ClearAVM, you will be taken to an order form where we provide the ability to add a Tracking ID and your payment information

    2. If you are ordering a CDA, Broker-Based Valuation, or Property Condition Inspection, you will be taken to an order form where we require a few additional pieces of information before the order can be processed. 
      1. Please see our article about ordering CDAs, Broker-Based Valuations, or Property Condition Inspections for more details.